The result of surgery: what to expect!
- The outcome of any surgery depends on two things: the patient and the surgeon.
- Factors related to the patient may affect the final result of the surgery and delay the recovery period.
These factors include: thick skin, a tendancy toward excessive scar formation, slow recovery, heavy smoking,
heavy alcohol intake, obesity, etc. However, these factors do not contra-indicate surgery.
- Factors related to the surgeon include surgical experience and artistic judgement.
What are the risks?
- Like any other surgical procedure, cosmetic surgery entails possible complications
such as bleeding, infection, excessive scar formation, anaesthesia complications and rejection of implants, etc.
Fortunately, these complications are uncommon.
What happens before surgery?
- A complete medical examination and a series of laboratory tests are arranged for you before surgery.
Professional photographs are also taken.
- It is important that you inform our office about any medical problems you may suffer from, such
as allergy to any medication, heart disease, psychological disease or any other medical problem.
- It is important that you avoid exposure to the sum, smoking, alcohol intake and
medications containing aspirin for at least two weeks prior to surgery.
Is there any pain during surgery?
- You experience no pain whatsoever during surgery if you are given general anaesthesia, For less major surgeries,
local anaesthesia can be used, usually with little discomfort.