Most people report noticeable improvement within the first month, and see full effects after eight weeks.
A typical course of treatment consists of one to two 40 minute sessions per week, over a period of 2 to 4 months.
"The Silhouette" and liposuction
"The Silhouette" treatments may be used after liposuction to decrease post-operative swelling and to speed up the healing process.
In some cases, "The Silhouette" treatments may offer an alternative solution for patients considered as poor candidates for liposuction or who, for whatever reason, are reluctant to undergo surgery.
"The Silhouette", good food and gentle exercise: a sensible program
While undergoing treatments, you can eat all the foods you love: fish, poultry, lean meats, cheese, yoghourt, grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.
As with any sensible diet, try to avoid fried foods, sugar, alcohol or caffeine.
Gentle exercise such as walking, cycling
or swimming-three times a week is highly recommended.
Maintain your gains for years
Once your initial course of treatment is completed, you can arrange to have a monthly maintenance session to prolong
the texture and beauty of you skin.