Lifting your face can only retard the aging process. It turns back the clock but does not
stop it! In most cases, however, you will look
five to ten years younger following surgery... and you will maintain this age difference forever.
A face lift is not the end of the road. Though you will continue to look five to ten years younger, you nevertheless will continue aging. Ideally, you should maintain your result by undergoing minor treatments every year or two following your initial surgery, to compensate for the aging process.
Double chin
With age or overweight, a pocket of fat forms below your chin.
The correction of a double chin is either
performed at the same time as a face lift or is done alone in younger patients.
A small incision is placed under the chin.The
fat is suctioned with a fine tube connected to a suction machine.
If you also happen to have a weak chin, it
may be corrected through the same incision
at the same time.