At the end of the operation, a small plaster cast is applied to the nose. After a week, the cast is painlessly removed. Most of the swelling and discolouration around the eyes tend to disappear within the following week.
Your nose will continue to improve for at least a year following surgery. Therefore, do not expect to see your final result when the cast is removed. Do not be alarmed if the shape of your nose keeps changing during
the first few months.
On the average, you are presentable and may return to work one to two weeks
after surgery.
Numbness of the upper teeth and mild nasal blockage may be experienced for a few days to a few weeks following surgery.
Thick nasal skin makes the surgery more difficult, limiting somewhat its final result
and prolonging recovery. This is because thick skin does not shrink as much as thin skin (therefore the nose cannot be made much smaller). Often, the use of a synthetic implant, like a sponge, is required to achieve a superior result. In rare cases of extreme skin thickness, thinning the skin by sanding may be added to the surgery. Special
medications may be administered following surgery in order to shrink the skin. If you have thick nasal skin, your nose may be improved by surgery, but you must be patient while awaiting the final result and realistic in your outlook.
In the case of revision surgery when the nose has undergone one or more previous unsuccessful operations, improvement is possible but the surgery is technically more difficult and the results more limited than
in the case of a virgin nose.
Even a slightly weak chin can make your nose look bigger. In such a case, increasing the size of your chin by a few millimeters is recommended to improve the appearance of your nose.