If you have low brows, they are often corrected at the same time as the eyelid surgery.
The wrinkles at the outer corner of your eyes (crows feet) and the fine lines around your lower lids diminish but do not disappear after surgery. However, these lines may
be improved with special skin treatments following surgery.
On the average, you are presentable and may return to work two to three weeks
after surgery.
Your result will continue to improve for at least six months following surgery.
You will look five to seven years younger following surgery.... and you will maintain this age difference forever.
Forehead Lift
Low eyebrows intensify the wrinkles in your upper eyelids. They also tend to make you look depressed and fatigued. Low brows and a wrinkled forehead are often corrected together with eyelid surgery or a face lift.
Incisions are placed along the hairline. The surgery may involve lifting the forehead skin, tightening some muscles or weakening other muscles. The eyebrows are raised. The incisions are closed very meticulously and usually heal well.
Numbness, itching or weakness of the
forehead and a hair loss along the incisions may be experienced for a few weeks to a
few months after surgery.