The skin is tightened and the excess is eliminated.
For a more durable result, a new and sophisticated procedure is performed to also tighten the muscles underneath the skin.
This elaborate face lift improves the appearance of the neck and cheeks, but exerts limited effect where there are collections of fat, such as under the chin, that need to be suctioned.
Fat suction is a technique performed by means of a fine tube connected to a suction machine, somewhat like a vacuum cleaner. This fine tube is inserted through a small incision and the excess fat is suctioned away.
A face lift requires about three to four hours to perform.
Some of the stitches are absorbable and
disappear by themselves, but others require removal within a week or two following surgery.
There will be a sensation of tightness and
possible numbness around the ears for a few weeks following surgery.
On the average, you will be presentable with make-up and may return to work two to three weeks after surgery.
Your appearance will continue to improve for at least six months following surgery.
A face lift primarily corrects your neck and cheeks, but exerts a lesser effect on the center of your face around the lips and nose, since this area lies farthest from the incisions. Wrinkles
persisting around the mouth and nose may
need further enhancement with other
procedures or injections.
